The London Borough of Southwark lies just south of the Thames and is home to such noted buildings as the Shard and the Globe Theatre, plus offices housing the headquarters of international corporations. In contrast to this, however, the borough also has the highest proportion of social housing in the country.
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The local council’s refurbishment initiative has the vision statement of ‘making every Southwark home Warm Dry and Safe’. This includes upgrading the roof insulation, as insulation improvement is a significant factor in reducing fuel poverty.
Some of the flats scheduled for upgrading were built before WW2, and were constructed with boarded roofs – so the flats on the upper deck are very cold. Clearly insulation cannot be fitted from the inside, by moving the tenants out in order to remove the ceilings – so a quick win is to use TLX Gold as a single layer over the boarding. It was stretched taut over a counterbatten then secured with second one before replacing the tiles and tile battens.
Result: an insulated roof with a respectable U value of 0.67 W/m2K, without any risk of condensation. With the integral tape and an additional membrane lap, plus welded seams, fitting is easy – no struggling with bulky overlaps of double thickness product.
For more information on this or any other product, see links below.